Neighbourhood Coffee Shop

Today I went downstairs,
and bought a plate of Chicken Chop.
I tried to eat with my knife and fork,
but scalded my tongue cos it was hot.

I also saw my muslim friends,
they're talking 'bout how their football team rocks.
I've got no football team,
hence we've nothing in common to talk.

Stereotypes are true, they relax one corner,
and play their guitar around the clock.
They've nothing to do,
but don't want to find a job.

Anyway, one of the most value for money dish,
is probably the Sweet and Sour Pork.
I know the hawkers cook it with a lot of salt,
But I'm incorrigible, and I still love it to a fault.


Take my hand.
Take me away.
Take my breath.
Just don't take forever...

I am addicted to cup noodles.

Let me know if there is a rehab centre.
Because a day without tom-yum noodles,
makes me feel under the weather.

Every night it calls out to me,
I caved in even though I know better.

I take so much of that sodium laced seasoning,
I might as well be in the periodic table.



Zephyr Of The Wind

I may have died but in you I live.
I am the warmth in your hearts, the love you give.
I am the flowers that grow, the air in the breeze,
the summer breath that blows through the trees,
and that glinting sunlight upon the sea.

In truth I am everywhere, for I am free.

Through the clouds I glide and dance,
so I can watch your lives with loving glance.
And when the wind ruffles through your hair,
it is to let you know that I am there.
For at every dawn and rising sun,
I will share my warmth with everyone.

Because in truth I am free, for I am everywhere.

p.s. No way am I continuing that creepy poem below. > <

The Smirking Wise Old Man I

An old man sat quietly upon the snowy hill,
deep in thought he sat so still.
He was old, hunched and robed in immaculate white,
and I walked for miles to see this sight.

Men and women gathered round,
thinking he's wise, and listened for the slightest sound.
The old man smirks while continuing staring straight ahead,
what perverse thoughts were flooding through his head?

The Rose

Some say love is a river that drowns the tender reed
Some say love is a razor that leaves your soul to bleed
Some say love is a hunger an endless aching need
I say love is a flower, and you its only seed

It’s the heart afraid of breaking that never learns to dance
It’s the dream afraid of waking that never takes the chance
It’s the one who won’t be taken who cannot seem to give
And the soul afraid of dying that never learns to live

When the night has been too lonely and the road has been too long
And you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong
Just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snows
Lies the seed that with the sun’s love in the spring becomes the rose

-Bette Midler

The Hill Troll IV

Pokey filled a huge sack right up to the brim,
then returned to his hovel when the sun had grown dim.
He had mushrooms for tea that dark stormy night,
he would have mushrooms for breakfast when it came early light.

But in the morning the troll never woke,
poisoned by the mushrooms the troll had never thought.

Whilst in the woods the girl in the cloak,
picked mushrooms solemnly throughout that strange day,
for she knew the troll would not come and say,
"These are my mushrooms pick toadstools instead"

Because those were her mushrooms,
her gift from the dead.

The Hill Troll III

'All right my pretty, toadstools are fine,
but not these mushrooms, because they are mine'…
'But these are the toadstools'
The young maiden said.

‘These are the toadstools, the gift from the dead’
The troll now, muddled and confused
‘These aren't mushrooms?’
He silently mused.

Pokey looked at the maiden with a threatening stare
She promptly replied, ‘the mushrooms, those over there’.
'Well little miss you had better go home,
I will give you neither mushrooms, nor toadstools to own'

The girl gave a look that seemed to show sorrow,
'Thanks for your kindness, I shall be back tomorrow'.
Waving goodbye she glided home,
whilst the confused wicked old troll to the mushrooms did roam.

The Hill Troll II

For the mushrooms that grew from the soil,
were grown through his labour, his hard work and toil.
At least that’s what he said, but it just was not true.

And the young maiden smiled for already she knew,
that trolls are prone to tell awful lies.
As for a young maiden she was very wise.

"Oh Mister Pokey" The young lady said,
"Can I pick toadstools, not mushrooms instead?"
The troll was confused but had to agree,
for he wanted those mushrooms himself, for his evening tea.

The Hill Troll I

There is a forest on Sombre Hill,
with towering trees and branches so still.
Where shadowy figures move out of sight,
keep themselves hidden away from the light.

There once walked a girl in flowing blue cloak,
within the dense forest of towering oak.
And whilst she picked mushrooms in dark silhouette,
This pretty young maiden unfortunately met,
a contemptuous creature that lived in this wood.

A grumpy old troll always up to no good.


Here we have no lack of craze,
due prolly to the absence of space.
I can't walk three steps,
in my three-room flat.

It fills me with woe,
to live in such pigeon hole.

On the streets, you could bump into a tree
or a lamp post,
but probably an old person,
who have the eyesight of a mole.

I feel uncomfortable and unhappy here,
despite eateries are ever so near.

Once I save enough,
you can be sure I will migrate.
Even if Mr Goh calls me an ingrate,
because honestly, this place isn't all that great...

This isn't a poem



The above are the words of a friend over MSN when I was all ready to throw in the towel many years ago. I haven't really spoken to her in years, but I always find myself looking at the copy pasted next to my study desk whenever life gets especially tough.

I hope you are doing well, huihui.



我在人群里一步又一步 走过,
停下来 又继续走.
走走停停 停停走走...


I Hate Spring Onion

I hate spring onion,
they make me frown.
If there is ever a king of lousy veggies,
spring onion would wear the crown.

I hate spinach too,
but spring onion is slime.
Putting spring onion up for sale at anymore than a dime,
is a serious crime.

I hate spring onion so much,
it even makes me rhymes.

Restaurant City: The Poem

I just found out that grapes,
grows on vines
Thanks to Restaurant City,
where virtual people dine.

Too bad Tira and my restaurant,
we doesn't sell wine.

If you think the above sentence doesn't rhymes,
I'll run at incredible velocity,
and deliver you a flying clothesline.


All I want,
is for you to love me.

Sweet talk,
they are only words.
It's quietly noticeable,
that sometimes you stumble when you keep secrets.

Thoughts While Doing Maths

I've a lot of blue pens,
but most of them have no ink.
There are many kinds of food,
but I like chicken wing.

In Facebook Mafia War,
I am looking for diamond ring.
My bitcomet is currently downloading many horror films,
and one of them is The Shining.

My neighbour keeps a dog,
but I think it looks like a cat.
That was plain silly,
now I just wish to do my maths...

Breakfast At Midnight

It's 4 30 in the morning,
so she called to wake him, as promised.
Almost immediately, he picked up,

"What are you doing so late in the night?", she asked.

"Oh, just having breakfast at midnight"

It had a nice ring to it. And so the name stuck :)~